Our Services

A premium audit is a review of a policy holder's records and operations to ensure that the coverage information is accurate. A premium audit protects the interest of both the insured and the insurer by making sure that the insured is not paying more than necessary for insurance coverage and that the insurer is being compensated for the risk they bear related to the insured's operation.

The type of premium audit used is based on the size of your policy and/or the nature of your operations and may be one of the following:

    Physical Audit

    Generally conducted on-site or at an appropriate secondary location

    Phone Audit

    A representative of our company contacts you over the phone to complete the audit. This type of audit is generally for small accounts.

    Mail Audit

    A voluntary audit letter with instructions is mailed to you

    Dispute Resolution

    We assist policyholders navigate through completed audits where they may not be in agreement with audit results.

Currently, Strategic Premium Resources audits in the State of Nevada, only. We provide audit services for Workers' Compensation and General Liability Audits.